Product features and clinical data

Learn more about the characteristics of Belotero Balance (+) that set it apart from other hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers and make it an optimal choice for your patients.


Rheologic properties—such as cohesivity, elasticity, and viscosity—are used as a scientific rationale when selecting the appropriate filler for specific clinical applications. Learn more about the clinical significance of these properties, and then understand how the rheologic profile of Belotero Balance (+) contributes to its ability to achieve results with a smooth and natural feel.1-5


Definition: Capacity of a material to not dissociate, because of the intrinsic affinity of the constituent molecules for each other1

Clinical significance: Ability to resist heterogeneous distribution after introduction into the tissue

High Cohesivity


Definition: Ability of a gel to resist deformation when pressure is applied9

Clinical significance: Capacity to support tissue

Low Elasticity


Definition: Ability of a gel (in the fluid phase) to resist shearing forces1,4,9

Clinical significance: Ability to spread and integrate into tissues

Low Viscosity

The Belotero Balance (+) formula

High cohesivity + balanced elasticity & viscosity1

These attributes of Belotero Balance (+) give it a soft, spreading quality with a tendency to flow and homogeneously integrate into tissue, as well as the ability to maintain its gel structure when mechanically stressed.1,3,5 This is important for treating etched-in lines, which tend to be present in very mobile and highly visible facial areas with little room for post-injection swelling.1,4

Belotero Balance (+) has HIGH cohesivity

In HA fillers, cohesivity is a deciding factor to consider

Evaluating cohesivity helps you better understand and leverage distribution patterns and clinical behaviors of different HA fillers.

Belotero Balance (+) has an ideal rheologic profile, including high cohesivity, that helps1,4:

  • Maintain gel integrity
  • Contribute to tissue support
  • Inject and spread evenly

Overall, Belotero Balance (+) was found to be the most cohesive among FDA-approved HA fillers evaluated with the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity scale10*†

Cohesivity is difficult to measure. The Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale was developed as a standardized protocol for measuring HA cohesivity and evaluating HA fillers. To measure cohesivity levels, each filler was10:

  • Dyed blue
  • Injected into a beaker of water
  • Evaluated at various time intervals for its ability not to dissociate (ie, to maintain its shape in the water)

* Belotero Balance(+) was compared to Juvéderm Ultra, Juvéderm Ultra Plus, Juvéderm Voluma, Restylane, Restylane Sub Q.
Clinical implications of in vitro data comparison have not been studied.

Standardized Photographic Cohesivity Scale
To create this scale, the cohesivity assay was performed on 10 types of HA fillers, during which a total of 90 photographs (3 assays x 3 time points x 10 specimens) were taken and reviewed. Through this process, 5 principal patterns of gel behavior were identified and then used to develop a 5-point visual reference scale.10

Validation of the Cohesivity Assay
A panel of 6 plastic surgeons and dermatologists served as raters to determine the reliability, sensitivity, and repeatability of the cohesivity assay.10

  • Panelists had no prior training or exposure to any assay images
  • Reliability, sensitivity, and repeatability of the cohesivity assay were determined by viewing 60 photos (2 assays x 3 time points x 10 specimens)
  • Good inter-rater consistency and repeatability were observed for most images
Cohesivity scoreKappaSE95% CIP
Overall weighted kappa0.627980.0174880.5937-0.66225<0.0001
Kendall coefficient of concordance0.94752<0.0001
CI=confidence interval; SE=standard error.

Compare the cohesivity of different HA fillers10

Belotero Balance®

Cohesive polydensified matrix
Cohesivity score*: 5.0
(fully cohesive)

Juvéderm® Ultra XC

Cohesivity score*: 4.1 at 95 secs
(mostly cohesive)

Belotero Balance®

Cohesive polydensified matrix
Cohesivity score*: 5.0
(fully cohesive)

Juvéderm® Ultra PLUS XC

Cohesivity score*: 4.1 at 95 secs
(mostly cohesive)

Belotero Balance®

Cohesive polydensified matrix
Cohesivity score*: 5.0
(fully cohesive)

Juvéderm® Voluma® XC

Cohesivity score*: 1.3 at 95 secs
(mostly dispersed)

Belotero Balance®

Cohesive polydensified matrix
Cohesivity score*: 5.0
(fully cohesive)


Non–animal stabilized
Cohesivity score*: 1.0 at 95 secs
(mostly dispersed)

Evaluation of HA fillers with the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale after extrusion11

bar chart of HA fillers evaluated by the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale
bar chart of HA fillers evaluated by the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale

In an evaluation of HA fillers with the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale after extrusion:

ProductTime points of analysis (seconds)Cohesivity score
Restylane Lyft151
Juvéderm Voluma153
Juvéderm Volbella153
Restylane Silk155
Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC155
Juvéderm Ultra XC155
Belotero Balance155

*No significant difference in cohesivity score before and after extrusion through a needle. Time points of analysis: 15, 70, and 95 seconds.10,11

Belotero Balance (+) has LOW elasticity

Compare the elasticity of 8 HA fillers

Elastic modulus (G’) after needle extrusion* at testing frequency (0.7 Hz) after extrusion12

Bar chart comparing the elasticity of 8 HA fillers
Bar chart comparing the elasticity of 8 HA fillers

In an evaluation of HA fillers with the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale:

ProductG’ (0.7 Hz), Pa (measure of material stiffness)
Restylane Lyft747
Restylane Silk517
Juvéderm Voluma305
Juvéderm Volbella213
Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC146
Juvéderm Ultra XC110
Belotero Balance41

*No significant difference in cohesivity score before and after extrusion through a needle.

Belotero Balance (+) has LOW viscosity

Compare the viscosity of 8 HA fillers

Complex viscosity (η*) after needle extrusion* at testing frequency (0.7 Hz) after extrusion12

Bar chart comparing the viscosity of 8 HA fillers
Bar chart comparing the viscosity of 8 HA fillers

In an evaluation of HA fillers with the Gavard-Sundaram Cohesivity Scale:

Productη* (0.7 Hz), Pa.s (measure of ability to spread)
Restylane Lyft191
Restylane Silk136
Juvéderm Voluma77
Juvéderm Volbella54
Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC38
Juvéderm Ultra XC29
Belotero Balance10

*No significant difference in viscosity score before and after extrusion through a needle.


HA in its original form
(single chains, random coil structure)1

Linearization of the individual HA
chains; the random coil structure

First HA cross-linking process
with butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE);
a cellular, monophasic gel emerges1

Expansion of the gel that was created
in the cross-linking process14

A second application of HA
links the residual BDDE to the fibers; the gel results in a cohesive polydensified

Different cross-linking technologies and the degree and type of cross-linking result in HA dermal fillers with various rheologic profiles and unique biophysical characteristics.

Belotero Balance (+) is manufactured to have different proportions of HA cross-linking density to provide the cohesivity required for seamless, natural tissue integration in harmony with facial movements.13  Additionally, the dynamic cross-linking manufacturing processes of Belotero Balance (+) create1:

  • A cohesive and homogeneous gel
  • Zones of greater or lesser cross-linking density
  • Low elasticity and viscosity and high tan delta

Compare Belotero Balance (+) tissue integration with other HA fillers

Belotero Balance (+) demonstrates a homogenous pattern of distribution and optimal tissue integration3,5

Van Gieson elastin staining comparison after 8 days of control, Belotero Balance, Juvéderm Ultra XC, and Restylane
Van Gieson elastin staining comparison after 8 days of control, Belotero Balance, Juvéderm Ultra XC, and Restylane

Adapted from Tran C, et al. Dermatology. 2014;228(1):47-54.

Van Gieson elastin staining comparison after 8 days of control, Belotero Balance, Juvéderm Ultra XC, and Restylane, demonstrating more homogenous tissue integration with Belotero Balance (+).3


Belotero Balance (+) has been evaluated in a long-term clinical study in patients treated with Belotero Balance (+) in one nasolabial fold (NLF) and bovine collagen in the other NLF.7

Results last 6 months or longer7,15

  • Primary endpoint: Mean change from baseline score of each NLF 12 weeks after last injection
  • Belotero Balance (+) showed a significantly greater reduction in NLF compared to bovine collagen at weeks 8 (P=0.009), 12 (P<0.001), and 24 (P<0.001)
    • A majority of patients did not need a repeat injection for at least 48 weeks15

Additional study details7,15

  • All patients were given Belotero Balance in one NLF and bovine collagen in the
    other NLF
  • There was an option for touch-up at 2 weeks
  • Patients returned every 2 weeks through 24 weeks for evaluation
  • Results were as assessed by both the treating physician and blinded evaluator on the Wrinkle Severity Rating Scale
  • Open-label extension allowed for treatment of Belotero Balance (+) in both NLFs that lasted from 24 to 96 weeks after the initial visit. A touch-up was allowed at 32 weeks

Mean Change from baseline of Wrinkle Severity Rating Scale at Week 2415

Mean change from baseline in nasolabial fold wrinkle reduction for the treating physician and blinded evaluator
Mean change from baseline in nasolabial fold wrinkle reduction for the treating physician and blinded evaluator

Mean change from baseline of Wrinkle Severity Rating Scale:
Treating physician: 1.23 vs 0.49 [Belotero Balance (+) vs bovine collagen; P<0.001]
Blinded evaluator: 1.08 vs 0.5 [Belotero Balance (+) vs bovine collagen; P<0.001]


Belotero Balance (+) may be an ideal option for patients who want to address moderate to severe etched-in lines and wrinkles, who are new to fillers, or who want an alternative to laser treatments and chemical peels. Learn more about treatment areas, and see before-&-after images of real patients treated with Belotero Balance (+).

See Treatment Areas

Important Safety Information


BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) Injectable Implant is FDA-approved for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for the correction of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds and for volume augmentation for the improvement of the infraorbital hollow in adults over the age of 21.


BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) should not be used in patients with bleeding disorders or in patients with severe allergies manifested by a history of anaphylaxis, or with a history or presence of multiple severe allergies. BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) should not be used in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to lidocaine or anesthetics of the amide type. BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) contains trace amounts of gram-positive bacterial proteins, and is contraindicated for patients with a history of allergies to such material.


Introduction of product into the vasculature may lead to embolization, occlusion of the vessels, ischemia, or infarction. Take extra care when injecting soft tissue fillers, for example inject the product slowly and apply the least amount of pressure necessary. Rare but serious adverse events associated with the intravascular injection of soft tissue fillers in the face have been reported and include temporary or permanent vision impairment, blindness, cerebral ischemia or cerebral hemorrhage, leading to stroke, skin necrosis, and damage to underlying facial structures. Immediately stop the injection if a patient exhibits any of the following symptoms, including changes in vision, signs of a stroke, blanching of the skin, or unusual pain during or shortly after the procedure. Patients should receive prompt medical attention and possibly evaluation by an appropriate health care practitioner specialist should an intravascular injection occur. Use of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) in any person with active skin inflammation (skin eruptions such as cold sores, cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection in or near the treatment area should be deferred until the inflammatory or infectious process has been controlled.


In order to minimize the risks of potential complications, BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) should only be used by health care professionals who have appropriate training experience, and who are knowledgeable about the anatomy at and around the site of injection. Health care professionals are encouraged to discuss all potential risks of soft tissue infection with their patients prior to treatment and ensure that patients are aware of the signs and symptoms of potential complications. As with all skin-injection procedures, there is a risk of infection with BELOTERO BALANCE® (+). BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) should be used with caution in patients on immunosuppressive therapy. The use of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) in patients with a history of previous herpetic eruption may be associated with reactivation of the herpes. Based on clinical trials, patients should be limited to a 6.0 mL of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) per year. The safety of injecting greater amounts has not been established. The long-term safety and effectiveness of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) beyond 96 weeks have not been investigated. The safety and effectiveness of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or in patients under 21 years have not been established. The safety of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) in patients with known susceptibility to recurrent sore throat or Osler Rendu endocarditis has not been studied. No studies of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) Injectable Implant with drugs or other substances or implants have been conducted. Patients using medications that prolong bleeding, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or warfarin, may experience increased bruising and bleeding at the injection site. Exposure of the treated area to excessive sun, UV lamp exposure, and extreme cold weather should be minimized until any initial swelling and redness have resolved and puncture sites have healed. Laser treatment, chemical peeling, or any other procedure based on active dermal response performed after treatment with BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) may increase the risk of an inflammatory reaction at the injection site.

Adverse Events

The most common adverse events seen in clinical studies with BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) were swelling, bruising, redness, hardening of the skin, pain, altered color or itching. Other adverse events that have occurred with BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) include headache, swelling of the side of the nose, moderate cold sore, lip numbness, and lip dryness. Side effects were often mild to moderate and often resolved within 7 days.

Cases of delayed-onset inflammation have been reported to occur at the dermal filler treatment site following viral or bacterial illnesses or infections, vaccinations, or dental procedures. Typically, the reported inflammation was responsive to treatment or resolved on its own.

Information on adverse events from post-market surveillance of BELOTERO BALANCE® (+) are included in the Instructions for Use (IFU) and Patient Information Guide (PIG) based on an assessment of seriousness and potential causal relationship to the products. Please see the IFU and PIG available on for a complete list of these events. To report a problem with BELOTERO BALANCE® (+), please call MyMerz Solutions at 1-844-469-6379 or email For complete Safety Information, please visit

Rx only

References: 1. Sundaram H, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;136(5 Suppl):149S-163S. 2. Micheels P, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2012;38(7 Pt 2):1162-1169. 3. Tran C, et al. Dermatology. 2014;228(1):47-54. 4. Borrell M, et al. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2011;13(1):21-27. 5. Micheels P, et al. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;18(1):36-44. 6. Lorenc ZP, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013;132(4 Suppl 2):33S-40S. 7. Belotero Balance (+) [Instructions for Use]. IN00201-01. Merz North America, Inc; 2023. 8. Merz Aesthetics. Published September 26, 2023. Accessed October 18, 2023. 9. Sundaram H, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2010;36 Suppl 3:1859-1865. 10. Sundaram H, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;136(4):678-686. 11. Sundaram H, et al. Poster presented at: American Academy of Dermatology 74th Annual Meeting; March 4-8, 2016; Washington, DC. Abstract 3940. 12. Sundaram H, et al. Poster presented at: 23rd World Congress of Dermatology; June 8-13, 2015; Vancouver, Canada. 13. Prasetyo AD, et al. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2016;9:257-280. 14. Hermitte L, Benoit O, inventors; Anteis SA, assignee. European patent WO/2005/085329. September 15, 2005. 15. Narins RS, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2010;36(s1):730-740.