Discover natural-looking filler results with Belotero Balance® (+)
Deliver smooth, natural-feeling results to your patients with the all-around refiner. Belotero Balance (+) is uniquely designed for expressive, highly mobile areas of the face.1-4
Patented technology helps create the highest level of cohesivity, with even integration into the dermis. A balance of elasticity, viscosity, and cohesivity increases your patients’ confidence in the natural look and feel of their results.1-3
Balanced elasticity and viscosity
These qualities make Belotero Balance (+) ideal for areas that need a product to fill and move with the dermis.1-4
Seamless tissue integration
A unique rheologic profile results in a seamless, natural feel with minimal tissue disruption.3-6
Harmonious and individualized results
See clinical data, including duration of effect.
For volume augmentation for the improvement of the infraorbital hollow in adults over the age of 21
Treat the sensitive under-eye area with confidence knowing you have an FDA-approved, clinically tested treatment option in Belotero Balance (+).7 Get a summary of clinical trial results demonstrating the efficacy and safety of Belotero Balance (+) for treating infraorbital hollows.
In a clinical trial (n=150), 8 weeks after a single treatment with Belotero Balance (+)8
98.9% of participants showed improvement in Global Aesthetics Improvement Scale
80.6% of participants experienced a ≥1-point improvement in the Merz Infaorbital Hollow Assessment Scale in both infraorbital hollows
On a 0-10 scale (with 0 being “no pain” and 10 being “very severe pain”), the average score was 1.58

Train to use Belotero Balance (+) for infraorbital hollows
Belotero Balance (+) is now approved for volume augmentation for the improvement of the infraorbital hollow in adults over the age of 21.7 You can use this new indication as an opportunity to expand your practice. Access training materials online today, and start offering Belotero Balance (+) to your patients looking for an ideal product to safely and effectively refine the under-eye area.7,8
Access TrainingActual Belotero Balance (+) patient. Individual results may vary.
Courtesy of Iani Silveira, MSN, FNP-BC, CPN | Bella Vida Aesthetics & Wellness.
Looking for information about stocking Belotero Balance (+) in your practice? Contact us to learn more. You can also put your practice on the map by becoming a Merz customer and/or registering your practice with Merz. This way, you’ll show up in patients’ searches for providers of Merz products.
Register Your PracticeFeel prepared with a confident answer to patients’ aesthetic concerns
For etched-in lines in cosmetically sensitive, highly mobile areas of the face, pursue a seamless result with Belotero Balance (+).1-3 You can get a preview of your patients’ results with Belotero Balance (+) by checking out the before-&-after images for each of the approved treatment areas.
See Filler Treatment ResultsActual Belotero Balance (+) patient. Individual results may vary.
Looking to level up your practice’s marketing efforts? Merz can support you with that and more! Check out downloadable resources available for your patients, and sign in to the Merz Aesthetics Provider Portal, where you can access trainings and certifications and register your practice with the Xperience (+) Patient Rewards program.
View Belotero Balance (+) ResourcesAward Winning